• Bonus Spell: Alter Flame
  • Bonus Affinity: Fire (Essence) Affinity
  • Casting Modifier: Focus

Root Power

The druid’s ironwood weapons may be constructed of pure flame, converting the damage type of the weapon to fire damage; in addition the druid deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage plus an additional 1d6 at 6th and every 6 druid levels thereafter with these weapons. Weapons constructed of fire otherwise function as normal and may be wielded by the Druid without issue. These weapons cannot be sundered unless the sunder attempt deals water or dark damage, and damage of these types ignore all hardness of the weapon.

Armor made of pure flame does not harm the druid but no longer provides the druid an armor bonus to AC, but grants the druid concealment (20%) from attacks as well as a number of temporary hit points each round equal to the armor’s AC value; these temporary hit points refresh at the start of the druid’s next turn. In addition creatures who strike the druid in melee take damage equal to the druid’s casting ability modifier Ironwood armor with this ability heals a number of hit points equal to her casting ability modifier every minute, but takes 1d6 damage per round while in the rain, and is immediately destroyed if the druid submerged in water. This ability otherwise counts as wearing armor as normal, and does not remove any of the other benefits or penalties associated with wearing armor.

Despite being made of fire, a druid’s ironwood weapons and armor may be enhanced as normal weapons without harming the gems or seals applied to them.

Nature Stride

The druid’s sight is not hindered by fire, ash, or smoke (as long as the smoke was created by a fire and not a chemical reaction). In addition the druid can walk across hot ashes or coals without being subject to damage and her movement is not hindered; though the druid may still be damaged by larger fires (such as fire from spells or ongoing flames that occupy her square). The druid may also breathe normally in smoke and ash from fire (though other poisonous substances within the smoke may still harm the druid).

Deeper Roots

The druid gains ash rain and volcanic rain as a bonus spell and talent even if she would not normally qualify for them. If the druid already possesses ash rain she instead gains her choice of the hot coals or wandering rain talents under ash rain.

Deeper Bond

As a 2 AP action the druid may cause her steps to leave behind fiery footsteps when leaving a square, this may cause any flammable objects within the square to catch fire. The fire left behind lasts for a number of rounds equal to the druid’s casting ability modifier. Creatures entering these squares take 1d6 damage plus the druid’s casting ability modifier. While this ability is active the druid gains a +10 bonus to all her movement speeds and may add her casting ability modifier to any athletics checks made to jump. The druid may deactivate this ability as a free action, dismissing any ongoing fiery footsteps; this does not put out any fires this ability may have started. The druid is never damaged by her own fiery footsteps.

Greater Realm

The druid gains a breath weapon. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of fire damage per druid level. Those caught in the area of the breath receive are subject to a Physical(Agi) save attack (1d20 + ½ SPB + CAM) the druid may add her implements enhancement bonus to this save attack; on a success creatures take full damage from this ability, while a failure only deals half damage. The breath weapon may be made in the shape of a line of 20 feet + 10 feet per druid level, or a cone of 10 feet + 5 feet per druid level. The druid may use this once per day per 6 druid levels she possesses, and may spend a spell point as a 4 AP action to regain a single use of this ability.

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