PrerequisiteWater(Essence) Affinity
BenefitYou grant the form of a aquatic creature.
Limbs1 head, 1 tail
Reach ProgressionLong
Speed5 ft. land speed, 40 ft. swim speed + 10 feet per 5 BCB.
Natural WeaponsBite (1d6 medium, 1d4 small)
AC Adjustment+2 natural armor bonus, +1 per 5 SPB.
SpecialGain Darkvision 60 ft, the aquatic type (allowing you to breath in water). If the creature could breathe air normally the caster may choose to grant it the amphibious special ability to breathe both water and air.
TraitsThe following traits may be granted for any form:
  • The target gains the aquatic type and the swim speed as granted by Aquatic Form. If the creature already possessed a swim speed it instead improves by 30 feet. In addition you may choose to cause the target to gain the amphibious special ability; or lose it if they already possessed it. Finally the caster may choose to cause this trait to reduce the target’s land speed to 5 feet.
  • The target gains a tail and a racial bonus on Athletics checks to swim equal to +1 + 1 per 5 BCB. In addition, the shapeshifted target may use this tail to create a sudden riptide while underwater. As a 3 AP action the shapeshifted target can create a 10 feet + 5 feet per 2 BCB cone. Creatures in the cone’s area take 2d6 + 1d6 per 5 BCB nonlethal bludgeoning damage and are pushed 10 feet + 5 feet per 5 BCB directly away from the shapeshifted target (Physical save negates; using the caster’s normal save attack plus the circumstance bonus on Athletics checks to swim granted by this trait). This cone can extend onto land, extending 5 feet for every 10 feet in the water. Creatures on land fall prone on a failed Physical save instead of being moved back. The shapeshifted target must wait 1d4 rounds between uses of this ability. Special: When granting this trait, you may choose to have this tail replace the shapeshifted target’s legs. If you do, the shapeshifted target’s base land speed is reduced to 5 feet and the target cannot be tripped. In addition, the shapeshifted target gains a 30 feet swim speed or increases their existing swim speed by +15 feet (whichever is more beneficial). If the shapeshifted target gains legs through another ability or trait, such as the Additional Limbs “a pair of legs” trait, the shapeshifted target loses any benefits or adjustments from replacing their legs with this tail.
  • Blindsense 30 feet while in water, and only sensing creatures within the same body of water.
  • Once per minute, the target may shoot a jet of ink as a 3 AP action. In water, this creates a 10-foot radius sphere that provides total concealment and lingers for 1 round per BCB. On land, this is a ranged touch attack with a 10-foot range increment; a creature struck is subject to a Physical(Agi) save (against 1d20 + 1/2 SPB of the caster + Endurance modifier) or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. The affected creature may as 3 AP action remove the ink from their eyes.
  • The target can swim backwards as a 4 AP action at four times their swim speed. It must move in a straight line while using this ability, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity when it does so. This trait requires a swim speed.
  • The creature gains the keen scent universal monster ability.
  • As a 3 AP action, the target may deal 1d10 + 1d6 per four BCB after first electricity damage as a melee touch attack. This touch attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A successful attack makes a Resilience(End) save attack against the target, with a failed save attack dealing only half damage. If grappling the target you may use this ability as an reaction once per round, inflicting the damage with no attack roll, but still making a Resilience(End) save attack. If the target is in water, this ability instead functions as a 10-foot radius burst (to a maximum radius of the body of water you are in) centered on the target; instead of a touch attack, but are still subject to the Resilience(End) save attack. Creatures beyond 10 feet but within a 30-foot radius takes half damage with no save. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds.