Associated Ability Modifier: Focus

You are skilled at tending to the ailments of others, or manipulating the health of a creature in a detrimental way.


Below is a list of actions that may be performed with the Medic skill, listing DCs and time required to perform the action.

Identify Potion20+Base Caster Bonus of the spell.No1 minute.
Provide First aid15Yes3 AP
Provide Long-term care158 hours
Treat wounds from caltrops, spike growth, or spike stones1510 minutes
Remove Foreign ObjectVaries1d4 minutes
Treat deadly wounds201 hour
Treat poisonPoison’s save DCYes3 AP

Common Uses

Identify Potion

Through a much more scientific approach you’ve learned to identify the effects of alchemical creations on the body. By spending 1 minute with a potion you may learn what effect it has with a Medic check (DC 15 + the BCB of the spell). This does not consume the potion nor does it expose the character to its effects.

Provide First Aid

You can use first aid to save a dying creature. If a creature is at negative hit points you can make them stable. A stable character does not regain hit points but does not lose further hit points until they take damage again while negative. First Aid can also be used to stop any bleed status ailment, but the DC then varies based on the attacker (usually 10+ the Base Attack Bonus of the attacker + their strength or dexterity modifier).

You may retry first aid even if you fail, as long as the creature remains alive.

Provide Long-Term Care

Long-term care means treating a wounded person for a day or more. If the Medic check is successful the target recovers hit points or ability score points at twice the normal rate (usually 2 hit points per level, and 2 ability score points for 8 hours of rest); this does not double the constitution modifier gain from a long rest. Long Term-Care allows you to tend up to six patients at a time but cannot provide long-term care for yourself.

Failing at long-term care does not allow for a retry for that day, but a different session of long term care may be attempted on a different day.

Treat Deadly Wounds

Treating Deadly Wounds restores 2 hit points per level of the creature plus Medic skill ability modifier, with one degree of success allowing you to add your Medic skill ability modifier an additional time to this value. A creature may only attempt to use the Medic skill this way once per day for each creature it is used on.

Treat Poison

Treating poison on a creature allows you to assist in a creature’s recovery from an ongoing poison effect. Every time the poisoned character must make a saving throw against the ongoing poison you may make a medic check, if your Medic check is greater than the save attack of the poison the target character receives a +4 competence bonus on his saving throw against the poison.

Remove Foreign Object

A creature that has an object embedded in their body usually requires a Medic check to remove the object without further injury. Consequences for pulling the object out without a successful Medic check can include hit point damage, ability damage, the Bleed status, or other effects. Refer to the ability which created the condition for a specific DC, action requirement, or consequence; otherwise use the listed values. If no DC is provided the DC defaults to a DC 15.

A failed medic check fails to remove the object and causes 1 point of damage for each degree of failure by which the medic check failed.