Description | The zombie plague is a plague that curiously only affects humans. While zombies exist of other creatures, these are raised through magical means, but somehow only humans are affected by the seemingly mundane disease causing those that become infected to rise again. The DC of the zombie plague varies based on the hit dice of the carrier (usually a human zombie). |
Type | Injury |
DC | Varies |
Onset Time | 1d2days |
Onset Effect | Subject gains the fatigued condition. |
Cure | 3 saves |
Frequency | 1/day |
Save Type | Resilience(End) |
Effect | 1d4 End drain; this drain cannot be removed until the creature is cured of the plague. **Note**: Zombie Plague can only infect humans; creatures that are slain with, or die from, Zombie Plague rise again gaining the zombie class in 2d4 minutes. |