NameTelekinetic Equipment
DescriptionThe blade binder gains telekinetic throw with the distant lift talent as a natural spell using his BAB as his BCB, his MPB as his SPB, and his Psyche as his CAM. The blade binder may spend stamina in place of spell points when using this, but reduces the spell point cost of the spell by 1 (minimum 0). The blade binder may only lift and throw weapons his summoned weapons, and may choose to throw a weapon with this as part of summoning it as long as he spends at least a standard action to do so. Attacks with this are still treated as attack actions, or full attacks when throwing more than one, for the purpose of interaction with feats and abilities. At 6th level the balde binder may summon a number of weapons up to the maximum he may throw with telekinetic throw, while also not exceeding his summon weapon limit, as part of a full-attack action with telekinetic throw; rather than the normal cost to summon the blade binder instead need only pay 2 ki points to use this ability. The blade binder is considered to have had a summoned weapon in his possession until the start of his next turn for the purpose of the weapon disappearing if he throws it with this ability, allowing him to continually re-throw the same weapon without requiring re-summoning.
SpecialIf the blade binder possesses the Telekinetic Orbit specialization he may wield weapons within the greater orbit range, not just weapons adjacent to himself. In addition he may choose to use his normal attributes or his Psyche modifier for attack and damage rolls for weapons wielded in his orbit. Weapons in his orbit are treated as having a reach equal to your own, calculated from the square the weapon occupies, for the purposes of making attacks of opportunity with such weapons.