Below is a list of feats available to the Tundra Giant heritage of the Giant race.
Dwarven Craftsmanship (Race, Skill)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You receive a +2 racial bonus on all profession checks related to metal or stone.
Dwarven Fortitude (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws any effect causing the nauseated or sickened conditions. In addition a number of times per day equal to your Endurance modifier, you may choose to roll twice and take the better result on a save against poison; you must decide to use this ability before rolling.
Dwarven Stability (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: Dwarves tend to be hardy and strong making them difficult to topple. You gain a +4 racial bonus to saves to resist reposition or trip combat maneuvers.
Dwarven Weapon Expertise (Race)
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1, Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You gain proficiency in Throwing Axes, Battleaxe, Warhammer, or Greathammer if you did not already possess it. In addition you treat the Waraxe, Reinforced Accordion, Tower Shield, and Longhammer as martial weapons rather than exotic for the purposes of determining proficiency with these weapons. In addition when you gain this feat choose one of the following, you gain these benefits when wielding any of these weapons:
- Breaker: Treat the weapons listed in this feat as having the sunder weapon feature. If the weapon already possesses the sunder feature, improve the bonus by an additional +1.
- Courageous: Gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against creatures at least one size category larger than you. This bonus to damage is to +4 if you are making an attack with a melee weapon using two hands.
- Great Balance: Treat the weapons listed in this feat as having the counterbalance weapon feature.
- Momentum: Gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls when fighting using two-weapon fighting without a light weapon or a weapon with the lightweight feature with one of the listed weapons in each hand.
- Protected Confidence: Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when fighting using one of the listed weapons while also wielding a shield.
Magic Resistant (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Mountain Dwarf)
Benefit: Your dwarven resistance to magic is greater than most. You gain 5% spell resistance improving by an additional 5% for every 5 hit dice they possess. This feat does not stack with other sources of spell resistance.
Spell Smasher (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You have trained intently to thwart spellcasting. You gain a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures in the process of spellcasting. In addition when you strike a creature who is currently in the process of spellcasting they treat the damage you dealt as 1 higher for the purposes of determining the DC for the concentration check to continue casting; this damage improves by an additional 1 for every 6 base attack bonus you possess.
Stonecunning (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any) or Planesborn(Cragborn)
Benefit: You have a natural affinity towards stonework, able to notice inconsistencies easier than others. You gain a +2 racial bonus on perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors in stone walls or floors. In addition you receive a check to notice such features when passing within 10 feet of them, regardless if they were actively searching or not.
Stubbornness (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any) or Centaur (Any)
Benefit: You are renowned for your stubbornness. Whenever you fail a save against a mind-affecting ability, you receive another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming it has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If you have a similar ability from another source, you can only use one of these abilities per round, but you can try the other on the second round if the first reroll ability fails.
Surface Survivalist (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You have spent so much time above ground you’ve adapted to the changing conditions of the surface world. You treat all wind conditions (for determining speed adjustment) as 1 tier lower. In addition you may treat all hot or cold environments (chose one at the time of taking this feat) as one step less severe.
Toxic Recovery (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any), Dwarven Fortitude
Benefit: Whenever you succeed at a saving throw against poison, you heal 1 point of ability damage of the type dealt by the poison. Whenever you heal ability damage naturally or magically, you heal 1 additional point of ability damage. This ability has no effect on penalties to ability scores or ability drain.
Unstoppable (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You gain +3 maximum hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 maximum hit point. In addition you gain a +1 racial bonus on resilience saves.
Viscous Blood (Race)
Prerequisite: Dwarf(Any)
Benefit: You take 1 less point of hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain (minimum 1) from bleed and blood drain effects. In addition you can attempt a Medic check to staunch your own bleeding as a reaction once per round.