Identify a Poison/Disease or its symptoms
Identifying a poison or disease you encounter, or symptoms related to it requires a Knowledge(Nature) against the DC of the poison. If the poison has no DC but instead requires a save attack, treat the DC as 10+the save attack bonus of the Disease/Poison.
Identify mineral, stone, or metal
A Knowledge(Nature) can help identify a mineral, stone, or metal in both its processed and unprocessed state, though the greater structure or contraption it is part of may require Knowledge(Engineering). The DC of this check is usually DC 10, though complex alloy for processed metals may raise the DC by 10, or 20 if extremely rare.
Determining the Purity of the mineral, stone, or metal further raises the DC by an additional 10.
Recognize terrain features
Identifying the topography of a region or climate requires a DC 15 Knowledge(Nature) check. Details such as the slope of a terrain may also be gleaned with this check.
Identifying a natural or underground hazard increases the DC of this check by the CR of the hazard. This is usually thorns, toxic waters, rather than constructed traps.
Determine depth underground
A DC 20 Knowledge(Nature) check identifies roughly how deep underground you are, usually through study of the materials of the wall or caverns. This DC may be impossible in man-made structures underground due to the lack of natural terrain to determine this information beyond the creature simply being aware of distance walked.
Identify a common plant or animal
Usually identifying a animal or monster is related to the monster knowledge section, but for creatures, or plants, without a CR a DC 10 knowledge check usually can identify them, with the DC increasing by 5 for each step more rare or exotic the creature or plant may be.
Identify weather phenomenon
A creature may be able to identify a weather phenomenon with a DC 10 Knowledge(Nature) check. Increasing the DC by 5 allows a creature to potentially forecast a weather event, such as seeing the accumulation of clouds indicating possible rain, or direction the wind is blowing.
To identify a weather phenomenon that isn’t natural is a DC 15 check, to look for clues for why the weather would not normally occur.
Determine if feature is artificial
A DC 20 Knowledge(Nature) check can identify if an object or placement would be unnatural, such as an object disguised to look natural. This provides no other information beyond it not being natural.
Calming Animals
You may attempt to calm a creature using Knowledge(Nature) similar to using diplomacy on a creature. This is similar to diplomacy using the creature’s current attitude to determine DC, but raises the DC by an additional 5 due to both the lower intelligence of the creature and the lack of a common language.
Domesticating Animals
Attempting to domesticate an animal is DC 15 + the animal’s Hit dice Knowledge(Nature) check. This does not train the creature for combat but rather allows it for common uses such as transport, or use on a farm. Attempting to ride such creatures in combat may spook them and cause them to become wild, hostile, or simply flee.
Some animals may be combat trained, but may not be trained to attack, such animals, usually horses, can be ridden in combat but do not otherwise participate through attacking.