Associated Ability Modifier: Psyche

You have learned to frighten your foes, or coerce them to act in a way that benefits you through verbal threats or displays of strength.

Common Uses

Demoralize Opponent

You can attempt to use this skill to cause an opponent to become shaken. Unlike normal feat effects this shaken condition does not stack to produce a more severe fear effect such as the frightened condition. The opponent makes an opposed Resilience(Psy) save against your demoralize check. This ability is treated as a fear effect and as such creatures immune to fear or mind-affecting are immune to this.

If successful the creature is shaken for 1 round plus an additional round for every degree of success over the opponent’s opposed Resilience(Psy) save. This can only be used against foes with 30 feet of you that are capable of seeing and hearing you. Using this again can extend the duration, but repeated uses of demoralize against a foe reduce its effectiveness (see below).


Demoralizing an opponent is a 3 AP action though some feats and abilities may reduce the action or combine it with another. You may attempt to demoralize a creature more than once, but each additional check imparts a +5 bonus to the opponents Resilience(Psy) save for each additional attempt. This increase resets after one hour has passed.

Influence A Creature’s Attitude

You can use Intimidate to force a creature to act friendly toward you for 2d4 × 10 minutes with a successful check. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Focus modifier.

If successful you may cause the foe to give you the information you desire, take actions (as long as they don’t endanger them), or offer some other form of limiter assistance.

After the intimidate expires the target may begin to treat you as unfriendly disposition (see diplomacy).


Using Intimidate to change an opponent’s attitude requires 1 minute of conversation.

You can attempt to intimidate an opponent again, but each additional check increases the DC by +5. This increase resets after one hour has passed.


Size: You gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks if you are larger than your target, and a –4 penalty on Intimidate checks if you are smaller than your target.