PrerequisiteAny Affinity
BenefitYou grant the form of a dragon.
Limbs1 head, 4 legs (front 2 end in hands), 1 tail, 2 wings
Reach ProgressionLong
Speed40 ft. land speed, 10 ft glide speed.
Natural WeaponsBite (1d6 medium, 1d4 small)
AC Adjustment+2 natural armor bonus, +1 per 5 BCB.
SpecialDarkvision 60 ft., a breath weapon. The breath weapon is a 60-ft. line or a 30-ft. cone, and deals elemental damage as chosen when cast. The breath weapon deals 1d8 damage per 2 BCB, and allows a Physical(Agi) save for half damage (against 1d20 + ½ SPB of the caster + CAM). The creature must wait 1d4 rounds after using this breath weapon. A target may only possess one breath weapon at a time.
TraitsThe following traits may be granted for any form:
  • The creature gains a breath weapon as given by dragon form.
  • Double the size of a breath weapon (must possess a breath weapon to gain this trait).
  • Draconic Wings, at 5 BCB the creature gains a 30ft fly speed (average) +10 ft. per 5 BCB after 5th.
  • The scales of the creature are resistant to spells, gaining 1/2 of their natural armor bonus to AC applies against touch attacks originating from spells or spell-like abilities.