Cost200 gp
Casting time30 Minutes
Component cost10 gp (Varies)
PrerequisitesEarth(Water-Anima) Affinity
DurationPermanent (see text)
DescriptionThis ritual allows the caster to target an object with text or other form of written language on it allowing the caster to add some level of obfuscation to the text. Text targeted by this ritual replaces the usual DC of this decphiering to 10 + the SPB + Psyche mod of the caster casting the ritual.

At 8th SPB the caster may begin to transform the text into magial runes changing the check from Profession(Linguist) to Knowledge(Arcana) to decipher, requiring a level of magical knowledge to unravel the mystery. This form of encryption adds an additonal 100 gp to the component cost of this ritual.

At 12th BCB the caster may begin to cause the text to become enchanted causing the words to constantly shift and move under the gaze of any onlooker. This requires a DC 15 + SPB of the caster concentration check each time the creature attempts to decipher the text, and again for each hour spent deciphering the text. Adding this to the spell adds an additional 1,000 gp to the component cost of the ritual; this may be applied independantly to the magical magial runes or to normal encryption; if done without encryption this instead just makes basic text difficult to read but otherwise requiring no decphiering.

A creature may always double the final component cost of the ritual to raise the DC of the check to 20 + SPB + Psyche Mod of caster. The caster of the ritual may always undo the magical encryption by spending a 4 AP action to will the text into its original state, doing so permanently undoes the effects of this ritual.