PrerequisiteNature(Essence) Affinity
BenefitYou may add the following traits:

- Razor Claws: Choose one type of natural attack that does piercing or slashing damage (bite, claw, etc.). This type of natural attack deals 1 point of bleed damage + 1 per 5 BCB.
- Spines: The target grows spines, quills, or thorns. These may be treated as armor spikes of their size (1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, 20x2, piercing) but may be enhanced as natural weapons and may be wielded as a natural weapon if beneficial.
- Spine Throw: The target may launch spines as a thrown weapon (1d6 Medium, 1d4 Small, 20x2, piercing) with a range increment of 20 feet. The target may draw the spines as a free action and throw them as a normal manufactured weapon. Launched spines regenerate at the end of the target’s turn. (Requires spines)