Description: A Diagram Caster is one who blurs the line of the sciences and magics utilizing complex diagrams each with a combination of runes and formulae that help create their magics. Diagram casters are known for their ability to plan ahead as their form of magics are both stable but slow, requiring time to create the diagrams.
Casting Type: Prepared
Spell Source: Formulae Book
Casting Implement: Writing Utensil, Paints, Chisels, or similar tools.
Casting Ability: Intelligence
A Diagram Caster must draw a diagram on a surface before imbuing it with a spell for later use. By default drawing a diagram takes 1 minute of uninterrupted work to etch, paint, or draw the magical diagram into a single 5ft x 5ft foot square. For every additional 5 feet of length and width added the time is doubled; a 10ft x 10ft taking 2 minutes; 15ft x 15ft taking 4 minutes, and so on. The caster may choose to make a diagram smaller than 5ft x 5ft, though this does not reduce the time required to create the diagram below the base 1 minute. This may be utilized to create diagrams on smaller objects if desired; though this retains the normal limitations of the diagram. If done in combat this is the equivalent of a caster spending 5 AP every round for 10 rounds to draw a single 5ft x 5ft square.
To create a diagram a caster must make a Use Magic Device check DC 11 + 2 * BCB of the spell being created as part of the diagram. A caster may always choose to take a 10 on this check even in combat. A successful check allows the diagram to be created at the normal speed. For each degree of success beyond this reduces the time required to create the diagram by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round (A single 5 AP action). For each degree of failure this instead adds one additional round of time to draw the diagram.
Once per round when the caster is injured while creating a diagram, the caster must make a Concentration check as if they were casting a spell (usually DC 10 + the damage taken + 1/2 the BCB of the spell). Failure causes the caster to lose Use Magic Device and causes the diagram to require an additional round to be finished.
Once a Diagram has been made the spellcaster may imbue it with a single spell, spending the spell points as normal. This imbue may is done as a free action upon a diagram being completed. Imbuing a spell in this way is treated as if the caster had cast the spell, spending any resources related to the spell, but then putting the spell in a suspended state until the diagram has been activated; though this ignores the usual casting time of the spell, instead effectively making the time required to draw the diagram the new casting time. While the spell points are not spent until the diagram is finished, the spell being imbued must be chosen before the diagram is created. Spells within the diagram may last up to 24 hours before becoming inert.
A creature may identify the spell contained in a diagram by making a Knowledge(Arcana) check against the Use Magic Device check made to create the diagram. Once a diagram is fully created the magical energies make it difficult to disrupt or destroy. To destroy a diagram a creature must either destroy the surface it is etched upon, or use a Dispel Magic effect against it.
As a 2 AP action the caster may touch the diagram activating the spell within the diagram. Creatures and/or objects within the area of the diagram are each targeted by the spell stored within; if the spell targets an area of effect it is only cast once but is cast within the area of the diagram; the spell does not affect any area or creatures outside of the diagram. The caster may activate the diagram while within the area, or while in a square adjacent to the diagram. An area of a diagram is considered to be as tall as it is wide, thus a 5 foot diagram can only affect an area 5 feet high, while a 15 foot diagram may affect things up to 15 feet off the ground.
Once the spell is cast, the diagram is burned away by the magical energies released, and disappears from the surface it was written on.
A caster may have multiple diagrams created at once, but may only have a total number of diagrams active at one time equal to twice his casting ability modifier. Diagrams created beyond this limit instead become inert and harmlessly discharge their magics starting from the oldest diagram still active.
First Level Benefits
Diagram Casters gain 2 spells and a talent as spells pre-inscribed into their spell source at first level when they first gain their spell source. In addition Diagram Casters automatically start with Ritual Casting Initiate as a bonus magic feat and may store rituals within their spell source in addition to their normal spells and talents, rather than in a separate ritual book. Diagram Casters begin with Transmute Object ritual already contained within their spell source and may cast this ritual an additional time per day despite the usual limitations of this ritual.
Additional Benefits
The magics of a diagram are more carefully constructed than that of other magics and thus more difficult to dispel. When a creature is attempting to dispel against the Use Magic Device check made to create the spell rather than the usual value (usually 10 + the SPB + CAM of the caster).
A Diagram Caster may use Intelligence in place of Psyche for the purposes of Use Magic Device checks. Should the Diagram Caster already possesses something that would allow them to use Intelligence in place of Psyche for this check they instead gain a +2 bonus to Use Magic Device checks.
Feats Related to Diagram Casting
Diagram Trap (Magic)
Prerequisite: Diagram Casting, 5 SPB
Benefit: A Diagram Caster may add a triggering condition to the diagram, such as “an enemy touches the diagram” or “a creature reads the runes”, causing the spell imbued within the diagram to be cast as if you activated the diagram manually. For situations such as "reads the runes" this does not bypass the normal range restrictions of the spell such as a creature needing to be within the diagram; thus a spellcaster should add conditions such as "reads the runes, and is within the diagram" The caster cannot trigger their set conditions for their own spell and must still spend an action to activate it manually.
Ethereal Diagram (Magic)
Prerequisite: Diagram Casting, 10 SPB, Ranged Diagram
Benefit: A Diagram Caster may make a diagram in the air, rather than on a surface, but such a diagram is unstable and dissipates within 1 minute, and must be redrawn. The caster may attempt to hastily cast without first drawing a diagram, instead attempting to draw a diagram quickly within the air as part of casting, but doing so requires a Concentration check DC 22 + 2x the BCB of the spell; this is in addition to the usual Use Magic Device check required to create a diagram. Diagrams created in this way require a 5 AP action to create and may have the spell contained within immediately activated upon completion; though should the caster choose not to immediate activate it, the normal amount of time to activate the diagram is still required.
A Diagram created in this way is treated as if it was created within the Diagram Caster's square, using them as the point of origin of any spells or effects relating to the diagram.
Special: A diagram created within this feat is unaffected by the Lingering Diagram feat.
Hidden Diagram (Magic)
Prerequisite: Diagram Casting
Benefit: The Diagram Caster may double the final time required to create the diagram to obscure the magics and runes from being immediately noticeable. A diagram hidden in this way requires an opposed Perception check against the UMD check required to make it to spot it. This does not obscure the magics of a diagram from effects that allow detection of magic in an area.
Lingering Diagram (Magic)
Prerequisite: Diagram Casting, 8 SPB
Benefit: A Diagram Caster may choose to allow their diagram to linger after it has been activated, leaving behind an inert diagram. The Diagram Caster may touch an inert Diagram as a 3 AP action to imbue a spell within the diagram again. It must be the same spell and talents as was previously within the diagram, and requires the Diagram Caster to pay an spell point costs again.
An inert diagram still counts against the Diagram Caster's limit of diagrams and are destroyed as normal for a Diagram Caster creating diagrams beyond this limit.
Ranged Diagram (Magic)
Prerequisite: Diagram Casting
Benefit: A Diagram caster may allow spells created from their diagram to affect creatures up to close range from their diagram rather than only within the area of the diagram. This does not alter, or exceed the range of the spell normally, meaning should a spell require touch, then they must be touching the diagram for it to work; while a long range spell would still be limited to close range from the diagram. You may use any square within the diagram as the point of origin, and may allow area of effect spells to affect an area outside of the diagram, as long as that is not beyond close range of the point of origin within the diagram.
In addition a the Diagram Caster may activate their diagrams remotely from up to 10 feet away, plus an additional 5 feet per 5 SPB they possess.