Know location of nearest community or noteworthy site
When within a region you may use Knowledge(Region) to help locate the nearest community or noteworthy site/landmark for the region. This requires a DC 20 Knowledge(Region) check.
This DC is reduced by 10 if the location is a popular location or tourism spot.
Decipher a simple or common text
When deciphering a language you don’t know, but is common to the region, or at least materials to help translate it are commonly available, it requires a DC 20 Knowledge(Region) check.
This can be a lengthy event taking 1d6+1 hours to perform.
Know local laws
A DC 10 Knowledge(Region) check helps identify the local laws of a region.
Know rulers and their symbols
A DC 10 Knowledge(Region) check helps identify current rulers of a region as well as any symbols (such as a familial coat of arms for a noble family) associated with them.
The DC is increased by 10 if you wish to also know the line of succession for ruler, noble family, or position of power.
Know a common rumor or local tradition
A DC 15 Knowledge(Region) recalls common rumors or traditions. This can even be urban legends common for a town or region. Traditions can help identify common holidays or customs of a town or region.
This also includes etiquette to avoid social faux pas within a region.
Know hidden organizations, rulers, and locations
A DC 25 Knowledge(Region) lets a creature be aware of hidden organizations such as criminal groups, cults, or such things that are only rarely discussed. This doesn’t allow you to know exact coordinates or details but rather simply being aware of the existence of such people or places.
Identify a creature’s ethnicity or accent
A DC 10 Knowledge(Region) check allows a creature to identify a creature’s ethnicity or accent, usually through their attire, appearance, or manner of speech to help narrow down their place of origin. This doesn’t identify the creature’s race or heritage, but rather culture and where they are from.