Name | Spiked Retaliation Belt |
Cost | 4500 |
Bcb | 6 |
Weight | 8 |
Effect | This belt is made of interlocking metal segments with an entirely smooth appearance. Whenever a creature successfully grapples (or maintains a grapple) the belt springs to life and deploys several sharp spikes outward from the wearer. These spikes damage the creature grappling the wearer for 1d6 piercing damage. A number of times per day equal to the wearer’s Psyche modifier the wearer can begin to cause the belt and spikes to shift and move as a 2 AP action. This causes the belt to immediately deal 1d6 piercing damage to any creature currently grappling them; the next attempt the wearer makes to escape the grapple before the end of their next turn after using this ability gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their roll. |