Type: Tier 1

At the start of the afflicted creature’s turn they have a 50% chance of acting normally and must roll a d%. A result of 50 or higher and the creature may take their turn normally.

For the purposes of abilities the muddled creature cannot treat any creature as their ally besides themselves. Creatures wishing to cast beneficial spells must succeed at any save attack or melee touch attack the spell calls for, and the muddled creature cannot willingly fail and must roll against these as if they were a hostile enemy.

The result of the d6 correlates to an action the creature must take instead of their normal behavior from the table below:

1Creature is Staggered for 1 round.
2Do nothing but babble incoherently.
3Deal 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand.
4Attack the last creature who attacked them (this includes touch attacks and save attacks from beneficial spells). If unable, instead attempt to attack the nearest creature.
5Take the total defense action.
6Attempt to flee from the fight. The muddled creature may use any actions to safely disengage.

If for some reason a creature cannot carry out the action they instead do nothing and simply babbles incoherently. Muddled creatures do not threaten squares around them while muddled unless they roll behavior #4 on the table, in which they only threaten the creature they attacked until the start of their next turn.