PrerequisiteFire(Essence) Affinity
TargetCylinder (40-ft. Radius + 5 feet per 4 BCB, 20 ft. high)
DurationConcentration or 1 round per BCB(see description)
Action4 AP
Saving throwResilience(End)
Spell resistanceNo
DescriptionA rain of hot ash falls upon the area, granting concealment to creatures 10 feet away. In addition the ash makes it difficult to breathe subjecting them to a save attack at the start of their turn, dealing 1d2 points of Endurance damage on a successful save attack. Creatures within the area take 1d4 + CAM fire damage to creatures that begin their turn within the area. At 5th BCB and every 5 thereafter the damage of this ash improves by an additional 1d4. You may spend 1 spell point to allow the spell to continue without concentration.

General Ash Rain Talents


PrerequisiteAsh Rain, BCB 6th
SpellAsh Rain
Spell resistanceYes
BenefitYou may spend 1 spell point when casting ash rain to transform it to a fire storm. The distance the spell provides concealment increases to 20 feet, the spell no longer makes it difficult to breathe, but the damage of the spell improves to 2d6 + 1d6 per 4 BCB.
SpecialIf using the hot coals talent, the area is treated as containing multiple mundane fires across it of a size equal to the number of d6 the hot coals ability would deal (usually half the damage of the firestorm itself); for the purpose of extinguishing and abilities that can interact with fires. The fires may continue to burn after the firestorm ends if there is fuel to sustain the fire, otherwise will go out naturally after the spell ends.

Hot Coals

PrerequisiteAsh Rain, BCB 4th
SpellAsh Rain
BenefitAsh rain begins to accumulate on the ground, causing the area to form hot coals that harm creatures attempting to walk over them. Creatures moving through or entering the area of ash rain take half the damage of the ash rain spell in addition to the damage if they begin their turn in the ash rain.

Wandering Ash Rain

PrerequisiteAsh Rain, BCB 8th
SpellAsh Rain
Spell resistanceYes
BenefitYou may direct your ash rain as a 2 AP action causing it to move up to 5 feet plus 5 feet per 5 BCB.
SpecialEffects that are created within the area (such as the hot coals talent) are created within the new location of the spell as long as it remains in that location for 1 round; effects last for 1 round per 4 BCB you possess after your ash storm leaves the area; fires within the area may continue to burn if they would naturally be able to continue (provided sufficient fuel).

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