KeywordConjuration, Rift
PrerequisitesSee Text
TargetAdjacent Square
DurationConcentration or 1 minute per BCB (see text)
RangeSee Text
Action4 AP
Saving Thrownone
Spell ResistanceNo
DescriptionYou may spend a spell point to summon a creature, binding it to this plane of existence, called a Companion, you have made a contract with causing it to appear in an adjacent square, ready to act on your following turn. You must concentrate to maintain the Companion's presence, but may always spend an additional spell point to allow the summoned creature to remain for 1 minute per BCB without concentration.

Companions can take mamy forms decided by a combination of its form, type, and traits. While there are nearly no limits to how you may make your Companion look, you cannot choose a Companion with the exact same appearance as another creature (though the Companion still has the Disguise skill and similar options available to it). Regardless of what type a summoned Companion choses it always will have the Elemental type with a subtype matching the affinity talent required to summon a creature of their base type; in addition to any other types determined by their companion type. For example a animal type would be both Beast, and a Elemental(Nature) type due to the nature affinity requirement.
When you gain this spell, you automatically gain a single Companion of your choice; Chosing its Form, Type, and Traits as described on the Companion Rules page.
If a Companion is summoned multiple times during a day, they do not regain hit points or other resources spent; only regaining them when you would rest and regain resrouces such as spell points. If a Companion is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, they instantly disappear and cannot be summoned again until the following day. A Companion may be dismissed as a free action. Unless otherwise specified a companion will always follow the orders of the summoner and generally will not act on its own other than to defend itself, or to carry out any long-standing orders (such as "Defend me" or "Defend my allies").
While the home plane of a Companion is generally open for roleplay options, the creature for mechanical purposes simply ceases to exist when it is not summoned. Because of this it may not carry items or store items in their home plane or bring items to the caster's plane, and leaves any items it is wearing or is carrying behind when it leaves this plane. Talents that grant equipment are an exception, but simply disappear when the creature is unsummoned.
Companions made through this spell have access to any traits available through form talents, alter talents, or companion talents, you have available.

SpecialTo gain this spell you must qualify for a single Companion type to design your Companion with. Information on the progression and talents for Companions can be found on the Companion Page.

If a creature already possesses this spell, but is granted this spell again they instead gain Extra Companion as a bonus talent.

Note(Spontaneous Vs Prepared) When a spontaneous caster gains this spell and talents that modify a Companion, the Companion is always summoned with the selected talents; this applies to talents applied to Companions taken with the additional Companion talent. Effectively talents are applied to a Companion the moment the spontaneous caster gains the talent, without the ability to remove it later unless they would be able to un-learn and replace the talent.
Prepared casters may decide their Companion and talents as part of preparing their spells each day, effectively creating a new contract to bind a creature meeting their specifications that day. For roleplay purposes that can be the same creature, simply modified each time; but this has no impact on the actual form or talents a creature would possess.

General Summon Protector Talents

Amorphous Protector

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitYou may spend a spell point as a 4 AP action to change a single summoned Protector's base form to another. This change to the base form alters the creature's base statistics, limbs, and other attributes as normal, but does not modify talents applied to the creature. If a talent applied to the creature would no longer be valid it simply becomes inactive until it assumes a valid base form. This change lasts until it is changed again or until the creature is summoned again.

Call The Departed

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitYou may re-summon a Protector that has been reduced to 0 hit points and disappeared within the same day. Doing so increases the spell point cost of summoning the Protector by one. The Protector is re-summoned at 1/4 of its maximum hit points; and 1 permanent negative level that lasts until the following day. All other conditions or ongoing effects on the Protector that it had when it disappeared are removed. You may continue to re-summon the Protector using this talent, if it is reduced to 0 again within the same day, but each time adds an additional negative level that lasts until the following day. A Protector cannot be re-summoned if this would cause them to gain negative levels equal to their hit dice. You may summon your Protector as normal the following day without these negative levels or the increased cost.

Extra Companion

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitYou gain an additional Protector selecting a base form and type as normal. You may still only summon a single Protector per cast of the summon Protector spell; but you may have multiple summoned at once through the use of multiple castings. Talents applied to the first Protector, unless otherwise specified, are applied to the first Protector and not this extra Protector, and require its only set of talents. This talent may be taken multiple times, each time granting another Protector.

Greater Summoning

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitWhen you spend a spell point to cause a summoned Protector to remain without concentration, you improve the duration to 1 hour per BCB. You may spend an additional spell points to instead cause it to last until you regain spell points, though you may pay the summoning cost again even when unconscious to renew the duration of the summon without your Protector disappearing.

Group Summoning

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion, Extra Companion
BenefitYou may summon all your Protectors as part of the same casting of summon Protector, though you must still spend spell points as if you had summoned each separately. At 10th BCB and every 10 thereafter you may reduce the total spell point cost of this summon by 1 (minimum 1).

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitYou may telepathically speak to any Protectors you possess via this spell as long as they remain on the same plane as you. You may select this talent an additional time, allowing you to experience what a single Protector senses as a 4 AP action. Doing so allows you to see, hear, and feel anything the Protector feels; this effect lasts for 1 round, though the caster may continue to spend 4 AP to use this ability.

Mutated Companions

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitIncrease the maximum number of traits your companion may possess by 1. This improves by an addtional 1 per 10 BCB you possess.

Ranged Summoning

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitWhen you use the summon Protector spell, you may choose to summon them within close range, rather than adjacent to you.

Resistant Protector

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitChoose one element you possess an affinity for. Your Protector gains Resist 1 to that element increasing by 1 for every 5 hit dice it possesses. You may select this talent multiple times, granting elemental resistance against a different element each time.

Spell Conduit

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitIf your Protector adjacent to you, or within your square, when you cast a spell that requires a melee touch attack, you may cause the Protector to hold the charge of the spell in place of you. The Protector may deliver this charge as you would (though may not do so as a free action as they were not the caster of the spell). If you cast another spell before this touch spell is delivered, the effect dissipates harmlessly as normal. If this talent is taken a second time, the Protector may instead gain the spell charge as long as they are within close range. In addition you may also instead choose cast spells using the Protector as the origin point of the spell. If taken and third time this range improves to medium, and if taken a fourth time this range improves to long. Despite the Protector being the origin, you must still have line of sight of your target to direct the attack; the Protector only allows you to use the Protector for the purposes of determining line of effect and point of origin.
SpecialIf you have taken the link talent twice, you may increase the casting time of the spell you are casting by one step to briefly see through your Protector's eyes or other senses to use the Protector's line of sight for the effect.

Spell-Mirrored Protectors

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion
BenefitWhen you target yourself with a spell, you may spend an additional spell point to grant the effects to one of your summoned Protectors in addition to yourself; this may affect the Protector even if the spell has a range of personal. You may affect an additional Protector per 5 BCB you possess. Protectors may only be affected by this ability as long as they're within 10 feet of you, plus an additional 5 per 5 BCB you possess.

Uniform Protectors

SpellBind Companion
PrerequisiteBind Companion, Extra Companion, Any Companion Talent
BenefitWhen selecting this talent, select a companion talent you possess, this talent now applies to all Protectors you possess rather than just one. You may select this talent more than once, each time selecting a new companion talent to apply to all your Protectors. If a Protector already possesses a talent selected by this talent it does not gain additional benefits from this talent, though your GM may allow you to retrain that talent.

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