PrerequisiteEarth(Water-Anima) Affinity; BCB 3rd
TargetSee Text
Action4 AP
Saving thrownone
Spell resistanceNo
Description You may spend one spell point to attempt to end an ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature or object. Make a dispel check (1d20+SPB+CAM); you may target a specific effect if you have identified it, otherwise the effect with the highest BCB on the target is automatically targeted. Compare your dispel result against the spell (10 + the SPB + CAM of the caster of the spell). If successful, that spell ends. If not, compare that same result to the spell with the next highest BCB, repeating until you have dispelled one spell affecting the target, or you have failed to dispel every spell. Use the same d20 roll for each spell effect you compare against rather than rerolling each time.

If an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a creature summoned by summon companion) is in the area, apply the dispel check to end the spell that conjured that object or creature (returning it whence it came) in addition to attempting to dispel one spell targeting the creature or object. You may also target a single spell affecting an area such as grasping vines or black tentacles to attempt to end the effect.

General Dispel Magic Talents

Area Dispel

SpellDispel Magic
PrerequisiteDispel Magic, BCB 10th
Target20 Foot Radius
BenefitYou may spend an additional spell point to target each creature in an area. You roll one dispel check and apply it to each creature within the area. Magic items are not affected by an area dispel even if you possess the suppress magic device talent.
SpecialThe default area of this spell is a 20 foot radius; but you may apply a shape talent to this spell to change the area of this spell.


SpellDispel Magic
PrerequisiteDispel Magic
Benefit You may ready your dispel magic to counter a spell being cast by another spellcaster. When readying an action with this spell the base AP cost is reduced to 3 AP. When the readied action is then triggered roll your dispel check against the spellcaster, with the spellcaster also rolling (1d20 + SPB + CAM of the caster). If successful the spell is countered and the caster fails to cast their spell.

Greater Counterspell

SpellDispel Magic
PrerequisiteDispel Magic, Counterspell, BCB 8th
BenefitYou may spend an additional spell point to use your counterspell talent as an reaction rather than a readied action once per round; this may be used if a readied action was also prepared allowing a caster to counterspell multiple times per round.

Seal Dweomer

SpellDispel Magic
PrerequisiteDispel Magic, Suppress Dweomer, BCB 15th
BenefitWhen using the Suppress Dweomer talent you may attempt to more permanently seal the magic within an item. When utilizing this talent you must spend an additional spell point to utilize this talent. A successful dispel attempt suppresses the magic of the item for 1d6+1 days. Success by one degree or more instead permanently seals the magic of the item until a creature successfully removes the seal placed on the item using a Use Magic Device check with a DC equal to 20 + your SPB + your CAM.

Suppress Dweomer

SpellDispel Magic
PrerequisiteDispel Magic
BenefitYou may make a dispel magic attempt against a magic item. When doing so make a dispel check against the SPB of the item; if successful the item is suppressed and ceases functioning for 1d4 rounds + 1 additional round per degree of success.

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