PrerequisiteEarth(Water-Anima) Affinity
TargetOne Piece of Equipment
DurationConcentration or 10 minutes per BCB (see text)
Action3 AP
Saving throwNone
Spell resistanceNo
DescriptionYou may grant an enhancement bonus to a piece of equipment (Usually a weapon, shield, suit of armor, implement, or tool) for as long as you concentrate, or you can spend a spell point to allow the spell to continue without concentration for 10 minutes per BCB.

The equipment gains a +1 enhancement bonus, plus an additional +1 at 4 BCB and every 4 BCB thereafter (to a maximum of +6 at 20 BCB). This does not stack with any enhancement bonuses the equipment already has; instead using the higher of the two enhancement bonuses.

General Enhance Equipment Talents

Enduring Enhancement

SpellEnhance Equipment
PrerequisiteEnhance Equipment, BCB 3rd
BenefitWhen spending a spell point to allow Enhance Equipment to continue without concentration, the effect lasts for for 1 hour per BCB. In addition, when ending concentration on an enhancement the enhancement continues for an additional number of rounds equal to half your BCB.

Mass Enhancement

SpellEnhance Equipment
PrerequisiteEnhance Equipment, BCB 5th
Target1 piece of equipment + 1 per 5 BCB.
BenefitWhen casting Enhance Equipment you may spend an additional spell point to may enhance additional pieces of equipment as part of a single cast; enhancing a number of pieces of equipment up to a maximum of 1 + 1 per 5 BCB. In addition while using this talent you may now enhance equipment within close range of you instead of touch.

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