KeywordTransmutation, Time
PrerequisiteDecay(Nature-Anima) or Cold(Fire-Anima) (See Text)
Targetone creature
Duration1 round per BCB
Rangeclose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 BCB)
Action4 AP
Saving throwSee Text
Spell resistanceYes
DescriptionYou cause a targeted creature to move and act more slowly or quickly than normal.
SpecialWhen you gain this spell, if you don’t already have one, select a single time type talent that you qualify for (if you do not qualify for any time type talents you cannot select this spell). For the purposes of prepared casters this spell does not take a slot to prepare, but also cannot be used without a time type talent prepared, time type talents take up slots as normal.

Time Type Talents Talents


SpellManipulate Time
PrerequisiteManipulate Time; Decay(Nature-Anima)
Saving throwMental(Foc) negates (harmless)
BenefitYou may spend a spell point to cause a creature to move at tremendous speed for an instant. For the duration of this effect, you grant the target the ability to accelerate as a reaction a number of times equal to your CAM. This has several effects:
  • The target may accelerate as part of a charge to add your CAM as a circumstance bonus on the attack roll.
  • The target may accelerate when shfiting to increase the distance traveled by 5 feet + 5 feet per 10 BCB.
  • The target may accelerate to stand up from prone as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • The target may accelerate when targeted by an attack or Physical save attack to move 5 feet + 5 feet per 10 BCB; this movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the attacker (but may provoke from other creatures) and grants a dodge bonus to AC or Physical saves of 1 + 1 per 2 BCB (minimum 1) against the triggering attack (you are still treated as a valid target for the triggering attack even if your movement removes you from its range). You may accelerate in this way even if you have taken a 5-foot step. If the movement from this acceleration removes you from an attacker’s range on the first attack of a full-attack action, the attacker may choose to forego any remaining attacks to treat the action as an attack action instead.


SpellManipulate Time
PrerequisiteManipulate Time; Cold(Fire-Anima) Affinity
Saving throwMental(Foc) negates
BenefitYou may spend a spell point to steal away a moment of a target creature’s future. This has two effects:
  • A creature affected by this spell takes a -1 penalty to its initiative, which increases by -1 at the start of each combat round (this can change the creature’s order in initiative just like the delay turn action). If the affected creature is last in the initiative order at the start of the combat round (before applying the penalty), or if it has an initiative of 0 when this penalty would be applied, the creature instead sets its initiative to 1 higher than the first creature in the initiative order and loses its turn.
  • Additionally, you receive a +1 bonus to initiative, which increases by +1 at the start of each combat round (this can change your order in the initiative). If you are first in the initiative order at the start of the combat round (before applying the bonus), you may take a second turn as the last creature in the combat round at an initiative of the previous last creature - 1 (this sets your new initiative to that value, just like the delay turn action).

The bonus and penalty from this effect increase by +1 at 5 BCB and every 5 BCB thereafter.

A creature can be affected by castings of chronosink from different sources at the same time; the penalties stack, but the creature can never lose two consecutive turns. You may gain the benefit of chronosink from multiple affected creatures at the same time (such as through the Spread Spell meta talent); the bonuses stack, but you can never act twice on two consecutive turns.

Chronosink counters and dispels chronosink. A successful save attack when casting chronosink ends hostile chronosink effect on you; a failed save against a casting of chronosink ends any chronosink effects you are benefiting from.


SpellManipulate Time
PrerequisiteManipulate Time; Decay(Nature-Anima) Affinity
Saving throwMental(Foc) negates (harmless)
BenefitYou may spend a spell point to cause targeted creatures to move and act more quickly than normal. A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls, a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Physical saves, and an additional 1 AP each round.

In addition, all of the hasted creature’s modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject’s normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don’t stack. Haste dispels and counters slow.


SpellManipulate Time
PrerequisiteManipulate Time; Cold(Fire-Anima) Affinity
Saving throwMental(Foc) negates
BenefitYou may spend a spell point to cause the affected creature to move and attack at a drastically slowed rate. Creatures affected by this spell are staggered for the duration. Additionally, it takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Physical saves. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for decreased speed. Multiple slow effects don’t stack. Slow counters and dispels haste.


SpellManipulate Time
PrerequisiteManipulate Time; Cold(Fire-Anima); BCB 5th
Saving throwMental(Foc) negates (see text)
BenefitYou may spend a spell point to temporarily stop the time of a creature, object, or effect.

When a creature is the target, it is frozen in time, gaining the Paralyzed condition but also becoming immune to critical hits and gaining hardness equal to 5 + its hit dice. Each round on its turn it may make another save to break free of the stasis and end the effect (against your initial save attack roll) as a 3 AP action.

When an object is the target, it freezes in place, unable to move for the duration of the effect. If the target object was making an attack roll (such as an arrow or a rolling boulder trap) an opposed roll (1d20 + SPB + CAM + implement bonus) is made against the object’s attack roll, on a success the object is placed in stasis.

A creature or object in stasis can be moved with a successful Reposition combat maneuver against a CMD of your BCB + CAM + implement bonus, but will otherwise remain in place even if suspended above the ground; such a creature or object can support up to 100 lbs per BCB before it is pushed down to the floor.

Additionally, a spell or similar effect can be targeted (including as a readied action to affect an instantaneous effect). Make an opposed save attack against the save attack of the spell, on a success the spell is frozen in stasis. Ongoing effects are suppressed for the duration of stasis; if the effect was on a creature it continues to move with the creature, if it was on an area it remains in that area and even if it could have been directed to move.

You may choose to end the stasis effect on one or more targets as a reaction. When stasis ends, the target resumes acting as if no time had passed. Objects fall, attacks and spells complete their effect (aimed at the space of their original target even if the target is no longer in that space), and any suppressed effects resume with no loss of duration. If an effect with a duration of concentration is freed from stasis and is no longer being concentrated on, it ends immediately (unless it is an effect that lingers for a number of rounds after concentration ends).

Temporal Decree

SpellManipulate Time
PrerequisiteManipulate Time; Decay(Nature-Anima)
Saving throwMental(Foc) negates (harmless; see text)
BenefitYou may spend a spell point to project an aura around you, with a radius equal to the spell’s range, in which you assert control over the flow of time.

When a creature begins its turn within the aura, you may spend a reaction to trade its initiative with that of another creature within the aura. On a successful save attack, you may designate another creature within the aura that would act after the target in the current round, and force the target to delay its turn until that point. The second creature then has the option of changing its initiative to the current value and immediately taking its turn. If the second creature chooses not to immediately take its turn, the first creature gains the sickened condition for that round and instead acts immediately before the second creature; on an additional degree of success, the first creature also gains the staggered condition for that round.

At 10 BCB, the creature is sickened even if the second creature chooses to act immediately, is sickened and staggered if the second creature chooses not to, and is instead nauseated on an additional degree of success.

A creature may not be affected by a single casting of this spell more than once per round, whether it is moved up or down in the initiative order.

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