PrerequisitesOne Affinity Keyword Universal Talent.
Duration1 minute per BCB
Action4 AP
Saving Thrownone
DescriptionYou may spend a spell point to yourself the ability to summon and throw your chosen element in one hand. The damage of this spell is determined by the affinity talent used to cast it and the associated damage type of the affinity. You may throw a number of elemental attacks with this ability equal to 3+your SPB. Once the maximum amount has been thrown or the duration of this spell has expired this effect immediately ends. This is treated as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 20 feet. If the associated damage type would be elemental this spell targets touch AC, otherwise all physical damage targets normal AC as normal. If dealing physical damage, creatures struck by this ability take 1d6 plus your CAM (rather than Strength), or 1d4 plus your CAM if targeting touch. This damage die improves by two steps for every 5 BCB you possess. As part of casting this spell you may make a single thrown weapon attack with this element. You may spend an additional spell point when casting this spell to conjure an element in another hand allowing for off-hand weapon attacks to be made while throwing. This second hand uses the same pool attacks as the main hand for determining the maximum number of thrown attacks that may be made. At 4 SPB you may spend an additional spell point to cause these to be treated as enchanted, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls for every 4 SPB you possess. The wielder may not be disarmed of this elemental thrown weapon, nor can they drop this weapon; though the wielder may choose to suppress the effects of the spell as a free action to free up their hand; though cannot regain the benefits of the spell in that hand while holding another object in that hand.

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