
Physical Description: Goblinoids are a varied race and thus their physical appearance can fairly drastically change from the small goblin to the large and muscular orc. While related one may not think the orc and goblin have the same origin, and as a result it is uncertain the origin of the race, but the name of goblinoid emerged due to the prevalence of goblins compared to orcs.

Society: Goblinoids commonly are very tribal in nature, and rarely forming their own kingdoms. Regardless they tend to hold strength above all else, with the ruler usually being the strongest of them, fighting to prove their worth to lead. Goblinoids tend to settle their disputes with either threats or displays of might, making their interactions with other races difficult; though the smaller races of goblin tend to employ more underhanded methods to make up for their lack of strength compared to other races; though still within their own groups might makes right.

Some goblinoids do reside outside of these systems and live amongst other races, though rare, and more common for those of mixed race, rather than full blooded goblinoids. The goblinoids who do live amongst human or other societies tend to find themselves in various roles depending on their heritage; with Orcs finding more roles in combat and labor positions, while goblins might find more in subterfuge and merchant roles.

Relations: Dwarves and Elves tend to have a bitter history with Goblinoids, leading to mutual hatred between these races. Humans and Halflings have also had histories with being invaded by Goblinoids, though this is usually for specific kingdoms rather than the races as a whole.

Type: Humanoid(Goblinoid)


Description: Goblins are quite small with almost exaggerated eyes ears and noses, making their visage quite recognizable. They are not very strong due to their stature, though tend to be fairly agile instead. Goblins tend towards cave-dwelling and are often underhanded and sneaky to make up for their stature, catching many who wander into their caves off-guard with ambushes. Many times goblins resort to thievery especially when alone; though large groups can potentially be deadly, they may still struggle to take on larger prey. The primary boon for a goblin is they have a stronger constitution thanks to their proclivity to eat almost anything when hungry.

More civilized goblins exist, though such goblins tend for jobs in alchemy, toxicology, and merchants; but some goblins who seek more adventurous lives tend to be sought out for their capabilities in stealth.

Male Goblins tend to be anywhere from 2’ 11” to 3’ 5” and from 32 lbs to 40 lbs. Female Goblins range from 2’10” to 3’ 4” and from 28 to 35 lbs

Size: Small

Base speed: 30 Feet

Starting languages: Common or Goblin

Special vision types: Darkvision 30

Trait: Goblins gain a +4 racial bonus to Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks.

Mixed blood trait: Mixed Blood Secondary Goblins gain Dimvision 30; or improve their existing Dimvision by 15 feet.

Ability score modifiers: +2 racial bonus to Agility and Endurance, -2 penalty to Strength

Race: Goblinoid

For a Complete Listing of Feats for this hertiage see: List of Goblin Feats


Description: Hobgoblins builds are a bit shorter than the average human, but otherwise similarly built, despite their otherwise goblin-like appearance. Their name is derived from their goblin-like appearance despite being decently larger than the average goblin. It is often thought the hobgoblin is a cross between and Orc and Goblin that branched off into its own heritage; with a smaller subset theorizing hobgoblins are the true origin of goblinoids that Orcs and Goblins branched off from. Hobgoblins tend to be more militaristic and thus find themselves drawn towards life in the army as both soldiers and officers.

Male Hobgoblins tend to be anywhere from 4’ 8” to 5’ 6” and from 155 lbs to 245 lbs. Female hobgoblins range from 4’4” to 5’ 4” and from 135 to 220 lbs.

Size: Medium

Base speed: 30 Feet

Starting languages: Common or Hobgoblin

Special vision types: Dimvision 30

Trait: Hobgoblins gain a +4 racial bonus to Profession(Soldier) checks and a +1 racial bonus to saves against maneuvers.

Mixed blood trait: Mixed Blood Secondary Hobgoblins gain a +2 racial bonus to Profession(Soldier) checks.

Ability score modifiers: +2 racial bonus to Endurance and Focus, -2 penalty to Psyche

Race: Goblinoid

For a Complete Listing of Feats for this hertiage see: List of Hobgoblin Feats


Description: Orcs are powerfully built, standing from half a foot to a full foot above humans with a greater amount of muscle mass. Orcs generally have green skin, broad shoulders, dark hair, and some protruding tusk-like teeth.

Male Orcs tend to be anywhere from 5’ 3” to 7’ 2” and from 174 lbs to 328 lbs. Female orcs range from 5’ to 6’ 9” and from 134 to 288 lbs.

Size: Medium

Base speed: 30 Feet

Starting languages: Common or Orc

Special vision types: Dimvision 30

Trait: Orcs gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.

Mixed blood trait: Mixed Blood Secondary Orcs treat their constitution as 4 higher for the purposes of determining when they would die from negative hit point damage.

Ability score modifiers: +2 racial bonus to Strength and Endurance, -2 penalty to Intelligence

Race: Goblinoid

For a Complete Listing of Feats for this hertiage see: List of Orc Feats

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